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Carbon Capture

A combination of Pressure Swing Absorption (PSA) and Membrane Separation technology offers the best blend of Capex, Opex, and space considerations for capturing CO2 on board ocean-going vessels. SodaFlexx®  has designed a modular Carbon Capture system that can be sized to all vessels and can be directly attached to the SodaFlexx EGCS unit or installed […]

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Modular System

Designed specifically for container vessels, SodaFlexx has a patent-pending design that houses most components in stackable 20-foot container footprints. This allows for ease of installation and the ability to increase or decrease the storage capacities as trade patterns warrant. Supply delays are eliminated as the product is delivered in advance of a port call and […]

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Sodaflexx can use available void spaces or unused tanks for powder storage. For certain vessels, pneumatic trucks and tankers can be rolled-on and rolled off when required.

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Integrated System

SodaFlexx EGCS provides integrated Sodium Bicarbonate absorbent storage solutions including vertically or horizontally mounted silos. If space is available, bespoke storage using existing tanks or void spaces can be designed.

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